So often we hear people of all religious backgrounds use the term “By the grace of God” in everyday conversations. Many perhaps don’t even realise the true meaning of these words. But the ones who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour are the ones who truly are under grace which is not a result of our good deeds but it is the will of God for our lives and given as a free gift. The Bible teaches “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Eph 2:8-9)
Under Grace – What does it mean to be living under grace? It is to live a life conscious of righteousness that is in Jesus; because we have accepted Him to be our Lord and Saviour we are covered by His righteousness. To live under cover of grace is not being conscious of sin because sin has lost its dominion over us for we are not under law any more but under grace. Bible says when we seek for righteousness through the law we become strangers to Jesus Christ and we have fallen from Grace. (Gal 5:4). The following verse from the Book of Romans points out that passing laws against sin produced more lawbreakers and there is such an abundance of grace that sin could never overcome grace. (Rom 5:20,21).
As Jesus is so are we – “By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world.” (1 John 4:17). When our attention is on Jesus and the truth that God loves us (John 3;16) , we will be at peace and be able to live pleasing in the sight of God. When we have the assurance, we are not condemned by God; only then can we lead a sinless life. When we receive the grace of God, we are able to share with others and exhibit His grace to others. (Rom 6:1-14).
Why was the law given to the Jews then? It was to make the people aware of the high standards and expectations of God. So that they could realise that by themselves mankind could never meet God’s high standards and expectations and they need a saviour. Therefore God sent His son Jesus as a saviour to pay the price for our sins. Secondly, law is not given for those who are righteous but for the ungodly. (1 Tim. 1:8-11) “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17)
My story – I was born again during my teenage years and at that time I was told all my past sins are washed away the moment I accepted Jesus Christ. But later they began instructing that I have to follow a lot of rules to preserve my salvation. If I sin they said I am fallen from grace and will loose my salvation. I felt miserable unable to do anything right; the more I tried to be without sin on my own, the more I was sinning. It made me think that I lost my salvation and that made me sin more. Once I understood the truth and the power of grace, the Holy Spirit helped me focus on His goodness and greatness. Praise the Lord now I know all my sins past, present & future are forgiven in Jesus.
Matthew 22:1-14(ESV) PARABLE OF WEDDING FEAST- Jesus was giving an example for the gift of righteousness, the wedding garment. I presume because the guests were picked up from the street corners they were given wedding clothes at the entrance of the Hall. All one got to do is accept the gift with thanks and wear it. Yet one man came inside without wedding clothes and was thrown out!