Old Covenant
We are not like the old testament heroes to whom the Spirit of God came upon for a certain purpose, they did great things and left. For them God is not their Father. That privilege was not given to anyone until Jesus came into this world.
New Covenant
We are under new covenant in Jesus. God is Father to Jesus and Jesus asked us to call God as Father. All over the New Testament, whenever Jesus mentions God, He says Our Heavenly Father. & The Holy Spirit of God continuously dwells in us. If you are anointed only when you are in church that means how the Holy Spirit of God can GUIDE you, COMFORT you, HELP you, COUNSEL you and CONVICT you. He should be with you all the time, right?
Our Goal should be like the NEW TESTAMENT ROLE MODELS
Jesus did miracles to prove that he is Son of God. How much more we should prove to this world that we are children of God by doing miracles. John 10:34-38(NIV); John 11:47-48(NIV)
How did he heal people? He did not pray or fast; he spoke, touched, commanded, others touched his garments and so on. This is what exactly GOD expects us to do in JESUS NAME. If you do these in your day to day life, you will marvel the way things happen to you.
- Matthew 10:5-8(NIV) Jesus commanded… This is a command.
- Mark 16:14-18(NKJV)Jesus rebuked their lack of faith and stubborn refusal…..not of their sins but of their unbelief.
What is to be like JESUS? We should be SUPERNATURAL BEING.
Imagine you are given the Magic Wand and asked to try it. Would you not try a few things? Yes you would. Then what are you waiting for? John 14:12(NKJV)
For our 25th Wedding Anniversary we went for Europe trip and we went to Switzerland . The first two days it was cloudy and our friend who took us around told us the snowy mountains were not seen because of the cloud. Then I told God that this was my once in a life time visit to this place and I wanted to see the beauty of this place. And I commanded the clouds to move away. I did this for two days and the second day afternoon the sun came so bright and we went around and saw the beautiful snowy mountains and took lot of snaps. This is what exactly GOD expects us to do in JESUS NAME. Mark 11:22-24(NIV)
How do we do it? With the Power of Holy Spirit working through us.
Acts 1:8(NIV) JESUS said receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. I am not saying you are not having the power. I am saying that you are not practicing your power. In the course I took, “How to heal” They taught us that power is in my body, in my dress and in my key chain. If I shake hands with someone power is flowing to that person. If he is non-Christian then he is convicted by the Holy Spirit. The power won’t flow until you believe in your mind.
- Spoke in tongues. Acts 2:4(NIV) ALL
- Became bold to testify & did supernatural things PETER – Acts 2:22-24(NIV) ; Acts 3:6(NIV)
- Healed sick & raised dead. Chased out demons. Acts 5:15-16(NIV)
- Disappeared from one place appeared in another place. PHILIP – Acts 8:39-40(NIV) Even later days where cars and other facilities are not there ministers were translated.
- Snake bite did not hurt. PAUL Acts 28:5-6(NIV) People thought he is God.
- Believers’ prayed. Peter miraculously brought out of prison by an angel. Acts 12:5-11(NIV)
If we do miracles, signs and wonders; only then our God’s Name will be glorified among other people. I would encourage all to start believing in the Supernatural, practice in small scale at home or in your personal life so that you can come boldly and do publicly. It is not God who has not given you power to do miracles but your unbelief that stops you from it.