Those days we hear news good or bad and read about it and use our imaginations to visualise. Now the whole world is seeing everything as it happens and the impact is more than before. And also our territories were fixed and small before, but now it has gone global. The Lord Jesus is explaining that our eye should be watching and observing only good things, then the whole body will be light; otherwise, if our eye is bad, which is supposed to be light, then how much more the darkness will be in us. You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men to bring glory to our Father in heaven.
Author: Florence
Things Are Seen—Temporal, But Things Are Not Seen— Eternal
We are looking at the things, which are seen and wondering how they all get old, decay and perish; so wondering what would happen to us?! Word of God is very clear to say what we see are all temporary, but what we do not see are all eternal and going to be there forever. Our body is connected to this temporary physical things, but our born again spirit is the real you, which is getting renewed when we eat the spiritual food, the Word of God, day by day. So what we suffer here are very minimal compared to the far more exceeding, eternal glory we are going to receive in the spiritual world we enter into by the Grace of God in Christ Jesus.
Baby Jesus Grew Strong In The Spirit Filled With Wisdom
Christian life is spiritual life walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Jesus came to teach us spiritual things and His disciples could never understand what He was talking about because all mankind who did not receive the Holy Spirit were spiritually dead. So only when the Holy Spirit was given on the Pentecost Day the disciples were made alive in the spirit and could speak heavenly languages praising God and could prophecy. How many Christians are still dead in the spirit not receiving the Holy Spirit anointing and not willing to persist till they receive? Unless you grow strong in the spirit, as child Jesus did, we cannot have the grace of God.
God’s Wrath Is Coming Upon The Sons Of Disobedience
The first sin entered human race by Adam is disobedience. Even now people are so careless about obeying God’s laws and are thinking we are under grace, so God will not look into those, only people around us are condemning. Actually those you are around and live with you are not condemning you, but out of love they tolerate you and try to correct you. But our God will go by rules and if we are disobedient to His rules and regulations, then His wrath will come upon us for sure and there is no partiality with Him. God is strictly following the spiritual and physical laws, if He is not, the whole universe will collapse.
“Whoever Believes In Me, Out Of Them Rivers Of Living Water Flow” – JESUS
Jesus came to earth to show the spiritual world, where God lives and connected us with that spiritual life, which you can have even when you are here still on earth. He came as a Jew and followed all the feasts and kept all the laws in order to complete the spiritual requirements —as human beings we could not keep—yet JESUS fulfilled representing us and gave His life for us, so that, He can give us the Spirit of God, whom He could send once He finished attaining His glorified body, ascended to heaven and seated at the right hand of God.
Dead To Sin But Alive To God In Christ Jesus
Jesus died to sin once for all who knew no sin became sin carrying our sins; “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21(NIV) He rose again from the dead so He cannot die again. Therefore Jesus lives now and He lives to God as representative for us all. And we should also consider ourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. We should not think we are sinners anymore, if we do, we are saying Jesus did not do a perfect job on the Cross when He died. And now start believing you are made righteous: only then you will not allow sin to over power you.
Blessing Of Abraham Is The Promise Of The Holy Spirit
In church when we read about the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles through Christ Jesus; immediately we all think about the material blessings Abraham had and try to receive them. But the verses complete by saying, Christ Jesus redeemed us in order that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit—the Holy Spirit anointing—which the Old Testament saints could not receive: because Christ Jesus was not yet died or ascended to heaven to send the Holy Spirit, so that we can all have the in-dwelling of the Spirit of God. So let us not be carried away with material things this world is after as blessings, but go for the spiritual blessings, which we, Christians are to receive and operate on.
“Be Perfect As Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect” — JESUS
Those who follow Jesus were called disciples and later while Barnabas and Paul were in Antioch, disciples were first called Christians (Acts 11:26). So if anyone who calls himself a Christian, he should be a disciple of Christ Jesus. And Jesus wanted us to be perfect as He is and His Heavenly Father is perfect. We are called for perfection. We cannot excuse ourselves pointing out our weaknesses and stop attaining perfection in our characters and spiritual walk with Jesus. If you are closer to God you will automatically follow all His Commandments.
Resurrection Of The Dead
Christian life should be spiritual life and we are not to get attached to the material life this world is projecting and should not become enemies of God. Jesus is not of the world and He wants us to be in the world but not of the world. We should know the difference and follow the footsteps of Jesus in all we do here on earth. Our Home is Heaven: as Jesus rose from the dead and reached heaven, we should be mindful of the resurrection of our dead bodies on the Day of Resurrection and be rejoicing for this privilege we are blessed with.
We Must All Appear Before The Judgement Seat Of Christ
Always Jesus is presented as the soft, sweet person among the people. Yes, Jesus is full of grace and truth and He came as a servant, saviour and healer: but next time when we are going to meet Him, we see Him as a Just Judge and terror will grip us if we are unaware of His anger and wrath over disobedience to His Commandments, which He asked us to follow fully. We are supposed to please Christ Jesus and not ourselves. We are to give account to Him for whatever good or bad have been done by us. Jesus is coming soon, so set everything right between you and Him.