Such a complicated and vast variety of living creatures could never evolve from nothing. God created the whole world beautifully with His Word and He created man as Supreme Being with His own hands and put His breath in him. God made man in His own image. He created woman out of man’s rib bone. GOD blessed them and said to them to be fruitful, increase, fill the earth and subdue it. God gave green plants as food for all. And gave them choice to choose between 2 trees. One is Tree of Life and another is Tree of Knowledge. And told them already not to choose the Tree of Knowledge.
Author: Florence
Doing God’s Will for Our Lives
Every believer has to know the will of God for his life to be fruitful and worthy of the Lord fully pleasing to Him. Jesus said “The world and its desire pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” – 1John 2:17. Without the help of Holy Spirit one can never do the will of God properly.
Kingdom of God and His Righteousness
God created this world and everything in it as His Kingdom and gave Adam & Eve complete dominion over it. But through deception the devil made them commit sin and wrested control of the world. God decided to send His only son to die and gave the life of Jesus as one time payment for redemption from sin and get His Kingdom back.