We sing the song, ‘ Let the redeemed of the Lord say so’ which is written in Psalms 107. But do we know what to say and proclaim about our life in Jesus Christ, who is our Redeemer and King. Because once you received Jesus into your heart your life takes about turn into a New Living Way away from the worldly way and all rules and regulations change and so we have to believe those and decree and declare those things to come to pass in our lives. Let us see what are they.
Author: Florence
Meditate On Things Of God And Speak Of Positive Thoughts Only
Our mind never keeps quiet. Some thoughts about the past, present and future the mind goes on analysing subconsciously also. We should be very careful what we are thinking, whether it is all positive and good incidents or negative and bad incidents. Christians are always criticised that we do not walk according to the way JESUS walked. This is just because you have negative thoughts and always expect bad things. Some are very smart in predicting all wrong things perfectly, and when happen they are very proud about their knowledge of that. Beware! Jesus said according to your faith, let it be done to you.
It Is Impossible to Please God Without Faith or by Walking in Flesh
We are living in the world where the saying goes, “seeing is believing “, but our God is operating in the opposite. God, who gives life to the dead, calls those things which do not exist as though they did (Romans 4:17). So we Christians should know “believing is seeing” is the God’s way of living. If you walk according to the worldly people say and live as they do, you are walking in flesh. You should live set apart and holy life that is pleasing to God, “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). Without faith it is impossible to please God. Those who are in flesh cannot please God. Christian life is spiritual life.
JESUS, Name Above All Names, In Heaven, On Earth & Under The Earth
God did not reveal His name when Moses asked Him. He simply said “I am” is His name and Jesus used the name “I am” when He was asked whether He was the Christ, the Messiah and when He used the name “I am” Judas Iscariot and the soldiers with him fell back. So we find JESUS is the only name given to the Lord God in the New Testament, in His name people were healed and set free of demons and signs and wonders followed. Jesus is the Name above all names and by the mention of that Name every knee should bow and every tongue should confess Jesus Christ is the Lord. Whereas in the Old Testament it is given,“(for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),” Exodus 34:14 (NKJV)
Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit By Whom You Were Sealed For Redemption
How can we all be sure whether we are going in rapture by receiving redemption of our body and hence getting immortality? When we receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. Because Holy Spirit of God is the seal that God our Father has given us to enter into eternity and be with Him forever and ever. Amen. We should cooperate with the Holy Spirit of God to walk holy life taming the tongue. If you let corrupt words proceed out of your mouth and you allow all kinds of negative thoughts then the Holy Spirit will be grieved.
Tithes And Offerings
The first time tithe was given by Abraham was from the abundance of things, which he already had, to Melchizedek the King and Priest of the Most High God. So tithing started by giving out of the joy and victory over everything and the abundance he already had, just to show his gratitude and blessing to God. This is the same with us in Christ Jesus as our High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. We are already blessed by the fullness of Christ Jesus who lives forever, so we show our praise and worship by giving tithe to God our Lord. We can even offer to give more than tithe to the Glory of our God out of the abundant supply He already provided for us from heaven. (Luke 21:1-4)
Jesus Said, “For By Your Words You Will Be Justified / Condemned”
Many say words that hurt others and later say they were only joking and some have made their personality like that thinking that is funny. This way they cheat themselves than others, because a good tree will produce good fruits or a bad tree will produce bad fruits. This is very obvious, if you are focused on saying words which are contrary to what a child of God should say, the result will be bad and cannot be good. Words are powerful in the Kingdom of God, because God created everything that is seen by His Word and He created you in His image. So do not be deceived giving excuses; because lose talks will pollute authentic words and that will rob you off God’s authoritative words to produce good fruits in your life and in lives around you. Jesus said for by your words you will be justified or by your words you will be condemned.
Christ Jesus Died In Vain If Righteousness Comes Through The Law
The Word of God is clear that you, who received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you are a new creation, old things were all passed away, now all things are of God. Beware of false doctrines and deceiving principles contrary to the Gospel and making you feel guilty and weak. Because many are coming up saying that we are accountable to the individual sins of the past, present and future, as if, they were not forgiven and remitted by the precious Blood of Jesus. We are saved by the Grace of God and through the Faith in this truth; not by any man’s good or bad work, so that no one can boast or be put to shame. The truth is, sin which came through Adam is replaced by righteousness, which came from Jesus Christ. Do not set aside the grace of God which gives boldness to do spiritual warfare against the enemy, the devil..
In All Things, At All Times, Having All You Need, Abound In Every Good Work
There are so many teachings going on around the world about sowing and reaping in the Kingdom of God. God is able to bless you abundantly as the title says and how many of you want such a blessing, so that you can be a blessing to people around you and wherever you go? God is always willing to supply seed to the sower who is willing to share and not to selfish eater who is not considering anyone else. Let us be generous on every occasion so that the people who receive from us give thanksgiving to God, especially we do good to the family of the believers in the Lord. Surely we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Believe On The God Who Justifies The Ungodly
Anyone works for somebody and that person is getting paid wages, then it is called ‘debt’, but when anyone does not work, yet somebody pays him for his living then that is called ‘grace’. Likewise a person believes on the God who justifies the ungodly because of the finished work of Jesus paying the debt, then this man’s faith is accounted for righteousness. Glory to God! So we come to the throne of the Grace of God, always remembering that God imputes righteousness on us instead of sin, as we are all saved by God’s grace only, not by our good deeds.