This is the story of a colt, written about in the narrative of Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Jesus makes His entry into Jerusalem mounted on this colt before being betrayed and crucified on the cross. A detailed account of this event is recorded in the Gospels of Mathew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10 and Luke 19:28-40. The colt finds mention in the prophecy related to Jesus’s entry in the Old Testament book of Zechariah 9:9 as well.
The nondescript colt does not seem to belong to any particular household. Nor anyone seems concerned it is being taken away. It is not of a pedigreed lineage either. The Biblical account only describes it being ‘from the opposite village’. Yet we read that Jesus was well aware of this particular colt’s divine appointment. He gives very specific instructions to His disciples where to find it and how to respond if someone questions them.
Even in those times a donkey, let alone its young one a colt, is not considered a valuable possession. Anyone who is considered stupid is compared to a donkey; then and now. This colt too seemed like just another animal to everyone around. But in Jesus’s scheme of things, it had a very specific role to play and a significant purpose in this event that is so widely recorded in the scriptures and prophesied about many years before.
Many a time we feel rejected, unrecognized and insignificant. We wonder why we are here and what role we are supposed to play in God’s Kingdom. Rest assured that God has it all planned precisely. He knows everything that’s going on in our lives and He knows the end from the beginning. The savior of this world, Jesus Christ chose a colt to make His entry into Jerusalem before He was glorified to be seated on the right-hand of Almighty God, our Father.
Just so He has chosen you and me for a specific assignment in the Kingdom. According to His plan and purpose, we are in the right place and position to accomplish His will. As we read about Joseph and Esther in the scriptures He has appointed us to be right wherever and whatever we are “for just a time as this”. Resolutely believe, accept your role prayerfully and joyfully. Be Jesus’s donkey and follow His directions obediently.